Provincial Royal Ark Mariners Annual Assembly

Written\Reviewed by W Bro Paul Greek

The 2024 Provincial Assembly held on 4 th April was a significant one this year, as it was the last one over which our Provincial Grand Master, Eddy Garty, presided. As many members know, he will be standing down as PGM later this year after 7 years of excellent service to Middlesex Mark Province.

This year’s Assembly was again hosted by the Middlesex Installed Commanders’ Lodge. After the Provincial Grand Master entered in procession with the Provincial Officers, the meeting was opened in due form.

The Travelling Ark was received from a delegation of members of New Morning Lodge No1921. The object of the Travelling Ark is to promote inter visiting with members of other Royal Ark Mariner lodges. The Ark was subsequently retained by New Morning Lodge, until it is transferred to Headstone Lodge on 8 th May.

Thirteen Middlesex Royal Ark Mariners had unfortunately passed away since the previous meeting, and the brethren stood to order while the Deputy Provincial Grand Master read out the names.

The Provincial Grand Master then proceeded to invest the recipients of Provincial Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank. He later explained that this honour is only conferred on those members of the Province who deserved it for the amount of work they do, so it can be considered as something special.

MBF collarettes were then presented to one individual – W Bro Kanti Mistry, and two Lodges – City of London (Patron) and Middlesex Armed Forces (Vice Patron), for the contributions they had made to the fund.

After the PGM addressed the Assembly, he received a standing ovation from the members present as a tribute to his successful leadership in guiding the Province during his seven years at its head.

Following the announcement of 31 st March 2025 for next year’s meeting, the Provincial Assembly was closed in due form.

Congratulations to the following Brethren who have received ProvRAMGR.

  • W Bro David Allan
  • W Bro Richard Dunbar
  • W Bro Clive Blackmore
  • W Bro Malcolm Smith
  • W Bro John Hillman
  • W Bro Mike Karn
  • W Bro Sanjiv Shah
  • W Bro Alex Boothroyd
  • W Bro Reg Austin
  • W Bro Darren Payne
  • W Bro Simon Thorn
  • W Bro Mike Steen