The Middlesex Mark Benevolent Fund

The Middlesex Mark Benevolent Fund is a registered charity (No. 2856825) and was inaugurated to enable Middlesex Mark Masons to disburse aid to those in need and their families, swiftly and without the bureaucratic formalities of other charities, to support a charity in its own name and to give fraternal support to other charities. The financial assistance of the Middlesex Mark Benevolent Fund provides charitable assistance, including Elderly/older people, people with disabilities, and other voluntary bodies. We also conduct general charitable services, the advancement of health or saving of lives and the prevention or relief of poverty.

The fund is governed by a Board of Trustees elected at the annual meeting of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Middlesex. The Chairman is V.W.Bro. Peter Warner.

A request for assistance from a Middlesex Mark Master Mason should be submitted via their Lodge Almoner to the Provincial Grand Almoner, V.W.Bro. Michael Crombie.

Notable worthy causes within Middlesex, supported by the Middlesex Mark Benevolent Fund and Middlesex Mark Master Masons include:

Harlington Hospice in Hayes

St Luke's Hospice in Kenton

The Shooting Star Children's Hospices in Hampton

Donating to the Middlesex Mark Benevolent Fund - 

- Through

Log on to and select one of the many companies that give donations. Choose the Middlesex Mark Benevolent Fund as your preferred charity.  Every time you go shopping, log on to first and varying percentages of your purchase price will be donated to the MMBF.


- Online using the MCF Relief Chest website

- A guide for Lodges

The Grand Charity envelopes, available at most Masonic centres, comply fully with new Revenue requirements and are to be used for donations to claim Gift Aid. The minimum needed on the tear off slip is:

  • First name and Surname
  • House name/number and Post Code. The full address is preferred but not mandatory.
  • Donation and Relief Chest Number. The Lodge name is not required.
  • A tick in a box at the south-east corner

In all cases, it is recommended that the Relief Chest Number be entered on the envelopes before the issue or else a variety of numbers and names will, and do, appear, causing complications. Before sending any claims, all payment slips should be examined for completeness.

Collections for MMBF using the lodge relief chest

Process the collection as usual; making a schedule for your own records. Complete the Envelope Verification Schedule and send with cheque to Grand Charity for your own Relief Chest.

When the acknowledgement is received from Grand Charity, it will give the amount including estimated Gift Aid credited to the Lodge. Send a Lodge cheque to the Provincial Treasurer for the total amount with a copy of the acknowledgement. Alternatively, use a Relief Chest (green) transfer form to: Charity – Middlesex Mark Benevolent Fund Registered No. – MMM2068

Collections for MMBF Direct

Enter the Relief Chest number MMM2068 on the slips before issue. Process the collection, producing a schedule listing Gift Aid envelopes and cash. Send the Provincial Treasurer the slips and a Lodge cheque for the total payable to Middlesex Mark Benevolent Fund.

Fund Raising Events

The Provincial Grand Charity Steward should be consulted at the design stage of any appeal literature. If the event takes place at one location and date, the above procedure should suffice.

Forms from Grand Lodge are available for both standing orders and one-off donations.

The Provincial Charity Steward should be consulted.

Your contact points for the Middlesex Mark Benevolent Fund are:  

Provincial Treasurer -

And the Provincial Steward -