Middlesex Lodge Supports PTSD Charity

On Thursday 24th October Emblems of Service Lodge, No 350, the Middlesex Mark Lodge for former or serving members of the” Emergency Services” met at Mark Masons Hall. 

The main event of the meeting was a presentation from the CEO of PTSD999, a charity directly involved in supporting former and serving members of the emergency services.

Gary Hayes a former member of the Armed Forces and a former Police Officer outlined the effects of PTSD, as well as the likelihood of suffering from it.

It is estimated that in their service, a member of the emergency services is 600-800% more likely to be involved in a trauma event, potentially leading to PTSD, than a member of the public.

He then went on to explain how PTSD999 is involved with of all the emergency services in identifying those affected by PTSD and how best to support them and their families.

The charity provides a nationally recognised two-day training course where, when the attendees finished the course, they would be registered as a mental health first aider within the workplace.

Since 2023, 150 emergency services workers have attended these courses free of charge, all monies donated to the charity goes toward offsetting the cost of these training courses.

The long-term aim of PTSD999 is to be able to contribute towards treatment for those seeking clinical intervention with their mental health via our designated service of Optimism Therapy services based around the UK. Following the presentation two donations were made to the charity.

Left: Emblems of Service Worshipful Master, W. Bro Stuart Graves made a donation on behalf of the lodge of £700.

Right: The Charity Steward of Exedra Lodge No 1138, W. Bro Headley O’Brien presenting a cheque for £255. This having been raised at their festive board following the Bible Dedication by the PGM R.W. Bro Eddy Garty.

Gary thanked both Lodges and all those present for their support.
