Middlesex Armed Forces, Royal Ark Mariner Lodge Consecration Ceremony on the Friday 31st May 2024
On the 31st of May, a significant event awaited our esteemed Members, Guests, and Middlesex Grand Officers.
We gathered at the Union Jack Club Waterloo for the Middlesex Armed Forces, Royal Ark Mariner Consecration ceremony, a momentous occasion for our Lodge, No. 1999.
The day started with assembling the lodge furniture, etc., and rehearsals started at 9:00 a.m.
The Lodge opened at 12:00 a.m. The Provincial Grand Master, R.W. Bro. Eddy Garty entered the procession with a retinue of active officers, including the Deputy and both Provincial Assistant Grandmasters.

Our esteemed R.W. Bro. Eddy, in his position of authority, occupied the Chair.
Together with his Consecrating Officers, he performed the Consecration of the Lodge.
This act was carried out with profound humility and deep meaning, evoking a deep sense of respect and admiration for all the brethren present.
The Provincial Grand Chaplain, W. Bro. Ian Wassell, delivered a most interesting oration, which was received with similar excellence.
The Deputy Provincial Grand Master, W. Bro. Peter Hyde, occupied the Chair to install R.W. Bro. Terry Sheern, the immediate Past Provincial Grand Master of Essex. R.W. Bro. Terry then installed the new Lodge Officers.

The Festive Board was a delightful experience.
We indulged in good food, plenty of nice wine, and shared lots of laughter.
The Provincial Grand Master and the Worshipful Master both presented each other with small tokens of appreciation, sparking a friendly debate on which part of the armed forces had the most kudos, the Army or Navy, much to the amusement and delight of all present.