Why Join Both Degree’s?

Why Join Mark?

What is the Order of Mark Master Masons?

It is a masonic order separate from Craft Freemasonry but strongly connected to its themes and the building of KST. The Mark referred to in its title derives from the mark or symbol with which the stonemason identified his work and can still be found in many Cathedrals and important buildings.

It can be considered to be an extension of the Craft Second Degree.

Background and History

The earliest English records of the Mark Degree stem from the mid-18th Century. In those days the degree was worked in Craft Lodges or within Royal Arch Chapters.

In 1813 within days of the United Grand Lodge of England being formed an independent Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons came into being. By the following year, some fifteen Lodges were operating under its jurisdiction while others preferred to work under the Scottish Constitution.

Today the Mark Degree enjoys considerable popularity among Freemasons and there are over 1200 Lodges under the English Constitution. In 1868 the Mark Benevolent Fund was established which holds annual Festivals under the direction of the various Provincial Grand Masters. The money raised by these and other efforts is used for both Masonic and non-Masonic charities.

There are  45 Mark Lodges in Middlesex Province and a membership of 819.

How is it organised?

The order of which HRH Prince Michael of Kent is Grand Master is administered from Mark Masons’ Hall in St James’s London and is separate from the United Grand Lodge of England.

Ritual and Ceremonies

The ceremony in which a Brother is ‘advanced’ essentially comprises two degrees.? In the first part he is acknowledged as a Mark Man and in the second he becomes a Mark Master Mason.?? Much use is made of Holy Writ to instruct the Candidate and Brethren in the story which serves to teach that the real message is one of contemplation of human strengths and weaknesses.

Who can join?

The Degree of Mark Master Mason is open to all Master Masons.

How often are the meetings?

Most Lodges meet 2- 3 times a year.

Does it cost much?

Subscriptions are much less than the Craft and there is a one-off Advancement fee.

What is the regalia?

Regalia comprises an apron and breast jewel. The Apron is of a white kid with a triangular flap bordered with a two-inch ribbon of light blue with crimson edges. It has rosettes of similar colouring and Masters and Past Masters have the rosettes replaced with silver levels. The jewel of the order is a Keystone appended to a ribbon which matches the Apron and bears a Mallet & Chisel which are the tools of the Order. The Keystone which bears certain characters forms an integral part of the ceremony.

Why should I join?

As with Craft Freemasonry and the Royal Arch the Advancement ceremony is a play where moral lessons are illustrated in the narrative which centres on a particular instance during the building of KST.

The Mark Order is commonly known as the “friendly degree.”. Although each Lodge aims to conduct their ceremonies with precision as befits the profound moral lessons the atmosphere in a Mark Lodge is more relaxed and less formal compared to the Craft.

Which Lodge should I join?

Mark Lodges meet in most of the Masonic Halls in the Province. Given the level of membership, you should be able to find a Proposer and Seconder and a Lodge which meets your needs.

Why Join RAM?

What is the Degree of Royal Ark Mariners?

It is formally titled the Ancient and Honourable Fraternity of Royal Ark Mariners but is more commonly known as “RAM” or “Mariners”. It has been under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons since 1871. Lodges are attached to Mark Lodges assuming their Number in the Roll. There the similarity ends.

Chronologically it precedes the Mark Degree and concerns the building and voyage of Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood.

Background and History

It is thought that it was originally a Degree for carpenters and woodworkers as in the past those trades were more closely associated with stonemasons than is the case today.

Its early history is obscure. Statutes refer to Grand Lodge being reconstituted in 1772.

By 1900 there were some fifty Lodges in England and Wales with others in Australia and India. Today there are some 780 Lodges in England and Wales.

There are 38 RAM Lodges in the Middlesex Province and membership of 617.

How is it organised?

The Degree of Royal Ark Mariner is attached to and administered by the Most Worshipful Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons with the assistance of a Board called the Grand Master’s Royal Ark Council. Each Royal Ark Mariner Lodge takes the same name as the Mark Lodge unless dispensation from the Grand Master is given for an alternative.

Ritual and Ceremonies

The Ceremony in which a Brother is Elevated is taken from the VSL and symbolises wisdom strength and beauty which are relevant not only in the construction of the Ark but also for their moral significations to the Candidate as an individual. The tracing board of the Degree is unusual in that it contains symbols of many of the other orders in Masonry.

Who can join?

The Degree is open to all Mark Master Masons.

How often are the meetings?

Most Lodges meet 1 to 2 times a year.

Does it cost much?

Subscriptions are much less than the Craft and there is a one-off Elevation fee.

What is the regalia?

The Regalia comprises an Apron which is boarded by a rainbow ribbon with similar rosettes. The breast jewel is of a dove bearing an olive branch suspended from a rainbow attached to a rainbow coloured ribbon. Commanders and Past Commanders (equivalent to Masters and Past Masters in the Craft) exchange the rosettes for silver triangles and wear a breast jewel of a triangle surmounted by the letter N.? Provincial Officers wear a collarette from which is suspended a silver Ark. Grand Officers exchange the silver detail for gold. There are no individual ranks within either Province or Grand Lodge.

Why should I join?

There are many reasons including the close relationship with the MMM order the “friendly degree”.? Another attraction is that the RAM features characters quite unrelated to other orders in Freemasonry.

Which Lodge should I join?

There are 38 RAM Lodges in the province of Middlesex covering the majority of Masonic centres.? Hence most MMMs will easily find the Lodge which best suits them.