Dear Brethren,
This year’s GRAND MASTER’S LODGE OF INSTRUCTION FESTIVAL will be held at Mark Masons’ Hall on 30 April 2024 and is, this year, being hosted by the Mark Province of Middlesex, with RW Bro Eddy Garty, Provincial Grand Master, as its President.
What is this Festival?
It is an annual event, hosted by different provinces, and consists of demonstrations of both the Royal Ark Mariner and Mark ceremonies by the GMLOI team. These demonstrations, with an exceptional standard of ritual that include the Royal Ark Mariner Tracing Board as well as the Lecture on the Degree of Mark Master Mason, will be conducted with “live” candidates who will be formally advanced into the Mark degree and elevated into the Royal Ark Mariner degree.
The Royal Ark Mariner degree will be hosted by Chiswick Lodge 357 and Ian Watson is the candidate to be elevated. The Mark degree will be hosted by Grosvenor Lodge 144 and the candidate to be advanced will be Bob Rough, the APGM of the Craft in Middlesex.
This is a major event in this year’s masonic calendar which marks the last year in which RW Bro Eddy Garty will be the Provincial Grand Master of Middlesex.
It is hoped, therefore, that the event will be supported in strength not only by all the brethren in Middlesex but also from other Provinces around the country.
It is also anticipated that at least one of the Rulers will be present.
The event is expected to commence at 12pm with The Festival Dinner at 5.00pm and a close at 7.30pm. The cost will be £50.00 per head and this will include a glass of wine before dinner as well as wine with the meal.
A booking can be downloaded using the button below and as there is limited seating, it is suggested that you book early!
Sincerely & fraternally
Tony Hammell – Provincial Grand Secretary
Province of Middlesex Mark Master Masons