Provincial Executive Appointments

As Provincial Grand Master designate of the Province  of Mark Master Masons of Middlesex, I am delighted to announce the following appointments, effective 30th October 2024

Deputy Provincial Grand Master
W.Bro Darrel Peter Palmer P.G.J.D A.Prov.G.M.

Assistant Provincial Grand Master
W.Bro Steve Edward Heynes P.G.Stwd Prov.Dep.G.Sec.

Assistant Provincial Grand Master
W.Bro Andrew Paul Elliott P.A.G.SwdB Prov.G.M.O.

The above have worked extremely hard for the Province, over many years and in many different roles, and are well known to you all. Please join me in congratulating them on their Appointments. I know that they will give of their very best in the service of the Province for the years to come.
They will be invested on Wednesday 30th October 2024 at the Provincial Annual General Meeting at Twickenham District Masonic Centre.
I am however very sad to announce that V.W.Bro John Billett P.G.J.O has decided to stand down as an Assistant Provincial Grand Master as of 30th October 2024. 

John has served the Province and numerous Lodges in many different and contributive roles over the years.

Appointed as the Provincial Grand Director of Ceremonies in 2016, into which he introduced new ideas and better ways to assist the Province, including the formation of the Demonstration Team.

He steered the Provincial Ceremonial and its Ritual in a kind but firm manner through the many demands put upon him and his Team. He then went on to become an Assistant Provincial Grand Master in 2020 keeping a fatherly eye on the Provincial Ceremonial and its ritual through the strenuous  demands of Covid. He has served on the Provincial Executive for nearly 8 Years, giving of his wise council and performing with great credit, his role and duties as an APGM.
Please join me in thanking John for all he has done in the past and wishing him the very best in the future and I hope gets to do all those things he says he wants to do.

Sincerely & fraternally


Peter John Hyde Deputy Provincial Grand Master
Province of Middlesex Mark Master Masons

Download the Official Announcement HERE