Consecration of Universal Royal Ark Mariner Lodge, No. 1911

The first consecration of a new Royal Ark Mariner Lodge in Middlesex for over 7 years, took place at Harrow District Masonic Centre on Monday 11th September 2023.

77 companions attended to observe the RW Provincial Grand Master, Edward Garty, bring the Universal Lodge of Royal Ark Mariners No 1911 into being, in a fascinating and moving ceremony.

He was assisted by the Provincial team of officers.

The consecration team entered in procession, and RW Bro Edward Garty addressed the assembly as to the purpose of the meeting.

The petitioners lined up in the east, while the Provincial Scribe, W Bo Darrel Palmer, read the petition to, and the acceptance from Grand Lodge.

The petitioners then resumed their seats and the Ceremony proceeded.

The whole event was enhanced by music played by the Acting Organist, W Bro Mike Karn, accompanied by rousing singing where appropriate by those present.

The Chaplain, delivered the Oration and explained the origins of the Royal Ark Mariners degree.

The Provincial Grand Master then Consecrated the new Lodge with corn, wine, oil and salt, followed by the Chaplain perambulating the lodge with the censor of incense.

When the formal Consecration was completed, an Assembly of Installed Commanders was formed, and the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VW Steve Vanhinsbergh installed the Worshipful Commander designate, W Bro Hansraj Gudka into the chair, after which, the Worshipful Commander proceeded to invest his officers.

The warrant was delivered to the Worhipful Commander, and the addresses were delivered by the Assistant Provincial Grand Masters, John Billett and Peter Hyde.

The Consecrating Officers then retired, and the ordinary business of the Lodge continued.

The new Scribe, W Bro Kanti Mistri announced that he had 8 applications for Elevation, plus others in the pipeline for both Elevation and Joining.

The brethren then dined together with a superb 5 course meal and a Prosecco reception.

The Alms collection, together with the raffle, raised the magnificent sum of £1,438 for the Mark Benevolent Fund.

The organizing Scribe, W Bro Sanjiv Shah, afterwards asked to thank the consecrating team for an excellent and smoothly run ceremony.

This evening’s event was the culmination of several months of hard work, and the lodge has 24 founders.

Paul Greek, JP, Prov RAMGR                                                           11th September 2023.