The Provincial Grand Master congratulates all those are receiving Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank, particularly those listed below in the Province of Middlesex.
Very well deserved and may you enjoy it for many years to come.
- Richard Henry Hardaker
- Gerald Michael Pritchard
- Stephen Edward Heynes
- Hossein Hosseini-Aria
- John Stuart Graves
- Dennis Dixon Leigh
RW.Bro Edward R Garty
Provincial Grand Master
1 | Phillip Charles | Anyan | Lincolnshire | |
2 | Matthew Harold | Arnold | Buckinghamshire | |
3 | Jagdishchandra Shrikrishna | Arole | Bombay | |
4 | Jack | Aston | East Lancashire | |
5 | Lalgudi Vaidyanatha | Balasubramaniam | Madras | |
6 | Antonio | Barrasso | East Anglia | |
7 | Robert Alan | Bates | Bristol | |
8 | Darren Herbert Nelson | Bending | Hertfordshire | |
9 | Nigel Robert Haughton | Blore | Essex | |
10 | Sydney Lynton | Brailey | Somerset | |
11 | Nigel John | Bridges | Warwickshire | |
12 | Richard Charles | Callaby | East Anglia | |
13 | Anthony John | Callister | Surrey | |
14 | Ronald Leonard | Campbell | North & East Yorkshire | |
15 | Robert William | Carruthers | Cumberland & Westmorland | |
16 | David William Austin | Clarke | Wiltshire | |
17 | Michael Dennis | Conroy | Cheshire | |
18 | Brian Geoffrey | Cotton | Surrey | |
19 | Geoffrey Stuart | Cree | Nottinghamshire | |
20 | Ralph | Cuthbertson | Northumberland | |
21 | Rev Christopher John | Damp | London | |
22 | John Michael | Daniels | Devonshire | |
23 | James Peter | Darby | Derbyshire | |
24 | Norman | Davies | Monmouthshire | |
25 | Christopher Thomas Brooklyn | Davis | Hampshire & Isle of Wight | |
26 | Michael George | Dent | Sussex | |
27 | Gilbert Emiel August | Denys | Belgium | |
28 | Brian Edmund | Dowling | South Wales | |
29 | Stephen | Dunsdon | Kent | |
30 | Timothy Charles | Ellwood | The Transvaal | |
31 | Norman James | Eve | Cumberland & Westmorland | |
32 | Roger Kenneth | Foster | Derbyshire | |
33 | Adrian Charles | Foulkes | Kent | |
34 | Steven Charles | Frankland | East Anglia | |
35 | Michael John | Gage | Worcestershire | |
36 | Jeremy James | Gaskell | Kent | |
37 | Ian Christopher | Gibson | Spain | |
38 | Peter | Gibson-Leitch | Leicestershire & Rutland | |
39 | Norman | Grant | Sussex | |
40 | John Stuart | Graves | ||
41 | James Stewart | Gray | West Yorkshire | |
42 | Alan | Gregory | West Lancashire | |
43 | Allan | Gurney | Durham | |
44 | William | Haddon | Spain | |
45 | Graham | Hamilton-Taylor | Cheshire | |
46 | Joseph Roger | Hansard | Lincolnshire | |
47 | Richard Henry | Hardaker | Middlesex | |
48 | Gerald Michael Pritchard | Hardie | Middlesex | |
49 | Roy | Hart | South Wales | |
50 | Royston George | Hartley | Kent | |
51 | Stephen Keith | Hewitt | Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire | |
52 | Stephen Edward | Heynes | Middlesex | |
53 | Lawrence James | Hinde | Cumberland & Westmorland | |
54 | Francis David | Hook | Essex | |
55 | Hossein | Hosseini-Aria | Middlesex | |
56 | Alan Thomas | Howls | Staffordshire & Shropshire | |
57 | Clifford James | Hughes | West Lancashire | |
58 | Colin Walter | Hughes | Bedfordshire | |
59 | Simon Everard | Humberstone | Worcestershire | |
60 | Anthony James | Hung | Hong Kong | |
61 | Andrew Charles | Jagger | West Yorkshire | |
62 | Simon Rupert | Jeffery | Berkshire | |
63 | John | Jenkins | Devonshire | |
64 | Michael Oke | Johns | Cornwall | |
65 | Kevin Christopher | Johnson | Kent | |
66 | Raymond Reginald | Johnson | London | |
67 | Stephen Richard | Jones | Surrey | |
68 | Graham Samuel | Kirby | Cheshire | |
69 | Alan John | Krzysica | Hampshire & Isle of Wight | |
70 | John Edward | Lacey | Kent | |
71 | Simon Paul | Lancaster | Hampshire & Isle of Wight | |
72 | Henry Alfred | Le Tissier | Channel Islands | |
73 | Denis Dixon | Leigh | London | |
74 | Colin Anthony | Lemin | North Wales | |
75 | John | Lewis | South and East Caribbean | |
76 | Terrance William | Lewis | Cornwall | |
77 | Hywel John | Lloyd | North Wales | |
78 | Jude Ian Wayne | Loveday | East Africa | |
79 | Grahame Peter | Lovett | Hertfordshire | |
80 | Peter Andrew | Maloney | Essex | |
81 | Robert Maxwell | McKillop | New Zealand | |
82 | Richard Francis | Micklefield | Dorset | |
83 | Graham John | Minett | Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire | |
84 | Celestino | Moro | Unattached EC | |
85 | Geoffrey James | Morrison | Northumberland | |
86 | Gustavo Mantas | Mosciaro | Brazil | |
87 | Anil Christopher | Nair | Bombay | |
88 | Kritanand | Nathoo | London | |
89 | Mark Paul | Nixon | London | |
90 | Ivor Ethelbert | O’Brien | South and East Caribbean | |
91 | Kenneth Obilo | Ogbonna | Nigeria | |
92 | Bhirendra Shanabhai | Patel | London | |
93 | Dr Maxwell Charles | Pipe | Staffordshire & Shropshire | |
94 | Stephen Conrad | Pipes | Germany | |
95 | Ekke | Plasschaert | The Netherlands | |
96 | Howard John | Pollard | Hampshire & Isle of Wight | |
97 | Pantelis | Poullais | Hertfordshire | |
98 | Gary | Quinn | Durham | |
99 | John Baron | Rawcliffe | West Lancashire | |
100 | John Michael | Rimmer | East Lancashire | |
101 | Malcolm | Ross | Oxfordshire | |
102 | John Desmond | Ryan | West Lancashire | |
103 | George Samuel | Savage | Durham | |
104 | Peter | Saxton | North & East Yorkshire | |
105 | Col. Dr Greh Bhushan | Sethi | Madras | |
106 | Mark Aaron | Sharp | London | |
107 | John Michael | Shaw | East Lancashire | |
108 | Norman Michael Mostyn | Simons | South Wales | |
109 | Terence | Sloan | Devonshire | |
110 | Michael Barry | Smith | Gloucestershire & Herefordshire | |
111 | Philip James | Smith | Hertfordshire | |
112 | John Kenneth | Speed | Lincolnshire | |
113 | James | Stanley | West Yorkshire | |
114 | Howard Rochdale | Taylor | Jamaica & Cayman Islands | |
115 | Kojo | Taylor-Appiah | Ghana | |
116 | Trevor John | Tinley | East Anglia | |
117 | Lawrence Walter Abbot | Trotter | Natal | |
118 | Barrington Thomas | Trumper | Warwickshire | |
119 | Adrian Leonard | Verco | Sussex | |
120 | Robert Anton | Verwey | The Netherlands | |
121 | Martin David | Vidler | London | |
122 | Bryan John | Wakely | London | |
123 | Simon Stuart | Walsh | London | |
124 | Alan Bruce | Waters | Dyfed | |
125 | Terence Alfred | Weston | Leicestershire & Rutland | |
126 | Anthony Haydn | Wilcox | Somerset | |
127 | Dr Wilkin Maben | Wilhelm | London | |
128 | Michael Anthony | Woodcraft | Essex |