Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank’s 2020 Announcements

The Provincial Grand Master congratulates all those are receiving Royal Ark Mariner Grand Rank, particularly those listed below in the Province of Middlesex.

Very well deserved and may you enjoy it for many years to come.

  • Richard Henry Hardaker
  • Gerald Michael Pritchard
  • Stephen Edward Heynes
  • Hossein Hosseini-Aria
  • John Stuart Graves
  • Dennis Dixon Leigh

RW.Bro Edward R Garty
Provincial Grand Master

1 Phillip Charles Anyan Lincolnshire
2 Matthew Harold Arnold Buckinghamshire
3 Jagdishchandra Shrikrishna Arole Bombay
4 Jack Aston East Lancashire
5 Lalgudi Vaidyanatha Balasubramaniam Madras
6 Antonio Barrasso East Anglia
7 Robert Alan Bates Bristol
8 Darren Herbert Nelson Bending Hertfordshire
9 Nigel Robert Haughton Blore Essex
10 Sydney Lynton Brailey Somerset
11 Nigel John Bridges Warwickshire
12 Richard Charles Callaby East Anglia
13 Anthony John Callister Surrey
14 Ronald Leonard Campbell North & East Yorkshire
15 Robert William Carruthers Cumberland & Westmorland
16 David William Austin Clarke Wiltshire
17 Michael Dennis Conroy Cheshire
18 Brian Geoffrey Cotton Surrey
19 Geoffrey Stuart Cree Nottinghamshire
20 Ralph Cuthbertson Northumberland
21 Rev Christopher John Damp London
22 John Michael Daniels Devonshire
23 James Peter Darby Derbyshire
24 Norman Davies Monmouthshire
25 Christopher Thomas Brooklyn Davis Hampshire & Isle of Wight
26 Michael George Dent Sussex
27 Gilbert Emiel August Denys Belgium
28 Brian Edmund Dowling South Wales
29 Stephen Dunsdon Kent
30 Timothy Charles Ellwood The Transvaal
31 Norman James Eve Cumberland & Westmorland
32 Roger Kenneth Foster Derbyshire
33 Adrian Charles Foulkes Kent
34 Steven Charles Frankland East Anglia
35 Michael John Gage Worcestershire
36 Jeremy James Gaskell Kent
37 Ian Christopher Gibson Spain
38 Peter Gibson-Leitch Leicestershire & Rutland
39 Norman Grant Sussex
40 John Stuart Graves
41 James Stewart Gray West Yorkshire
42 Alan Gregory West Lancashire
43 Allan Gurney Durham
44 William Haddon Spain
45 Graham Hamilton-Taylor Cheshire
46 Joseph Roger Hansard Lincolnshire
47 Richard Henry Hardaker Middlesex
48 Gerald Michael Pritchard Hardie Middlesex
49 Roy Hart South Wales
50 Royston George Hartley Kent
51 Stephen Keith Hewitt Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire
52 Stephen Edward Heynes Middlesex
53 Lawrence James Hinde Cumberland & Westmorland
54 Francis David Hook Essex
55 Hossein Hosseini-Aria Middlesex
56 Alan Thomas Howls Staffordshire & Shropshire
57 Clifford James Hughes West Lancashire
58 Colin Walter Hughes Bedfordshire
59 Simon Everard Humberstone Worcestershire
60 Anthony James Hung Hong Kong
61 Andrew Charles Jagger West Yorkshire
62 Simon Rupert Jeffery Berkshire
63 John Jenkins Devonshire
64 Michael Oke Johns Cornwall
65 Kevin Christopher Johnson Kent
66 Raymond Reginald Johnson London
67 Stephen Richard Jones Surrey
68 Graham Samuel Kirby Cheshire
69 Alan John Krzysica Hampshire & Isle of Wight
70 John Edward Lacey Kent
71 Simon Paul Lancaster Hampshire & Isle of Wight
72 Henry Alfred Le Tissier Channel Islands
73 Denis Dixon Leigh London
74 Colin Anthony Lemin North Wales
75 John Lewis South and East Caribbean
76 Terrance William Lewis Cornwall
77 Hywel John Lloyd North Wales
78 Jude Ian Wayne Loveday East Africa
79 Grahame Peter Lovett Hertfordshire
80 Peter Andrew Maloney Essex
81 Robert Maxwell McKillop New Zealand
82 Richard Francis Micklefield Dorset
83 Graham John Minett Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire
84 Celestino Moro Unattached EC
85 Geoffrey James Morrison Northumberland
86 Gustavo Mantas Mosciaro Brazil
87 Anil Christopher Nair Bombay
88 Kritanand Nathoo London
89 Mark Paul Nixon London
90 Ivor Ethelbert O’Brien South and East Caribbean
91 Kenneth Obilo Ogbonna Nigeria
92 Bhirendra Shanabhai Patel London
93 Dr Maxwell Charles Pipe Staffordshire & Shropshire
94 Stephen Conrad Pipes Germany
95 Ekke Plasschaert The Netherlands
96 Howard John Pollard Hampshire & Isle of Wight
97 Pantelis Poullais Hertfordshire
98 Gary Quinn Durham
99 John Baron Rawcliffe West Lancashire
100 John Michael Rimmer East Lancashire
101 Malcolm Ross Oxfordshire
102 John Desmond Ryan West Lancashire
103 George Samuel Savage Durham
104 Peter Saxton North & East Yorkshire
105 Col. Dr Greh Bhushan Sethi Madras
106 Mark Aaron Sharp London
107 John Michael Shaw East Lancashire
108 Norman Michael Mostyn Simons South Wales
109 Terence Sloan Devonshire
110 Michael Barry Smith Gloucestershire & Herefordshire
111 Philip James Smith Hertfordshire
112 John Kenneth Speed Lincolnshire
113 James Stanley West Yorkshire
114 Howard Rochdale Taylor Jamaica & Cayman Islands
115 Kojo Taylor-Appiah Ghana
116 Trevor John Tinley East Anglia
117 Lawrence Walter Abbot Trotter Natal
118 Barrington Thomas Trumper Warwickshire
119 Adrian Leonard Verco Sussex
120 Robert Anton Verwey The Netherlands
121 Martin David Vidler London
122 Bryan John Wakely London
123 Simon Stuart Walsh London
124 Alan Bruce Waters Dyfed
125 Terence Alfred Weston Leicestershire & Rutland
126 Anthony Haydn Wilcox Somerset
127 Dr Wilkin Maben Wilhelm London
128 Michael Anthony Woodcraft Essex