Dear Sir and Brother
The members of the Management Board are acutely aware that finance will be an important consideration for many Brethren when deciding whether to resume their masonic activities.
It will also influence the decisions of those thinking of joining more of the Progressive Orders.
Various options have been considered to support our members and the Board considers that the package of measures being announced today represent a pragmatic response to the situation within the financial capabilities of the Orders administered from Mark Masons’ Hall.
Annual Dues – the planned £1 increase in the rate of Annual Dues from the beginning of September 2020 has been reassessed in the light of the pandemic and will not now be implemented.
This means that the Annual Dues charge for 2020/2021 will remain at £32 (inclusive of VAT, where applicable).
Brethren joining any of our Orders for the first time will benefit from a 50% reduction in the rate of Annual Dues payable for their first year of membership.
The full rate will be payable for subsequent years.
Registration Fees – the fee to register a Brother on admission to any of the Mark Masons’ Hall Orders has remained unchanged at £30 for the last three years.
With a view to encouraging recruitment, the Management Board has agreed that the standard rate of
Registration will be halved for the coming financial year to £15 (inclusive of VAT).
Joining Fees – registering a Brother already on our membership roll when joining additional Units is currently charged at £23.
Attracting new members must be our priority but there is also merit in creating an environment where Brethren feel that increasing the number of memberships they hold is not prohibited by cost.
The Management Board has therefore approved a 50% reduction in the Joining Fee to £11.50 (inclusive of VAT).
This package of measures is aimed at supporting our members in these unprecedented times and is closely aligned with our recruitment and retention strategy.
The freeze on Annual Dues brings a degree of certainty to the cost associated with being a member of our Orders whilst the reduction in Joining Fees will be welcomed by those wishing to join additional Units.
Looking to the future, we hope that the reduction in the level of Annual Dues for the first year and the concession on the Registration Fee will encourage Brethren who aren’t yet members of the Progressive Orders we administer to consider joining.
The above changes will come into effect from 1 September 2020 and a copy of the updated schedule of fees will be posted on Keystone Online ( ) soon.
With fraternal regards and best wishes.
R.W.Bro. Ryan A Williams, P.G.J.W.
Grand Secretary
24th July 2020
Download a copy of the letter HERE