Thursday 25th January 2024 – Duke of Connaught Mark Lodge, No. 199 – Harrow
Anyone in the vicinity of Northwick Circle on 25th January must have wondered what was going on in the Masonic Centre, when the sound of Continue reading →
A wonderful meeting of Temple of Uxbridge Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No. 1393 was held on Thursday 14th December, when the Provincial Grand Master entered, accompanied by an Escort of 20 Provincial Grand Officers.
The first consecration of a new Royal Ark Mariner Lodge in Middlesex for over 7 years, took place at Harrow District Masonic Centre on Monday 11th September 2023.
77 companions attended to observe the RW Provincial Grand Master, Edward Continue reading →
The Provincial Grand Master R.W. Bro. Edward R. Garty attended the Lodge meeting of Hillingdon Heath No. 1196 on the Wednesday 13th of September 2023 specifically to present V.W. Bro. Tony Shepardson with a 60th-year Certificate.
In the resplendent Norman Moore Temple of Cole Court, Twickenham, members & guests of Staines Lodge No 858 congregated with a rare and heartwarming gathering of Mark Master Masons and Royal Ark Mariners, celebrating the extraordinary lifetime achievements of one Continue reading →
Following the recent announcement that V.W. Bro Steven M. Vanhinsbergh will be retiring as the Deputy Provincial Grand Master in October, I am now able to inform you that the Provincial Grand Master, R.W.Bro. Edward R. Garty, has been Continue reading →
On a damp and wet Friday evening on 31st March 2023 in a warm and dry Twickenham District Masonic Centre saw Brethren from Staines Mark Master Masons Lodge No.858 treated to a very rare occurrence in Mark Master Masonry Continue reading →
At its meeting om 18th January, 2023 the Lodge was graced by an official visit from the Provincial Grand Master, RW. Bro Edward Garty, who was greeted by a very enthusiastic welcome Continue reading →
As we approach the end of another very difficult year, it is worth taking a moment to reflect on the incredible resilience and commitment shown by the members of this wonderful Mark Province.