At its meeting om 18th January, 2023 the Lodge was graced by an official visit from the Provincial Grand Master, RW. Bro Edward Garty, who was greeted by a very enthusiastic welcome Continue reading →
Thursday 17th March 2022 – V.W.Bro. Steve Vanhinsbergh DepPGM, attended a meeting of Duke Of Connaught Lodge, No. 199 and presented the Lodge with their well over due collaret as Grand Patron Gold of the Mark Benevolent Continue reading →
Come and join The George Parker Lodge of Mark Master Masons, No. 1316 – the Middlesex Golfing Lodge – meeting on the 3rd Thursday in April, May and June.
Meetings will be taking place at Golf Courses in and around Continue reading →
Dear Mr Garty Thank you for forwarding the kind donation of £1,500.00 on behalf of the members of the Mark Province of Middlesex for the work of The Salvation Army. We are most grateful and would ask you to convey Continue reading →
Brethren I hope you are enjoying the contents of the recent Middlesex Mark Matters publications; the Newsletter can only be as good as the contents it contains therein.